Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs made a very inspiring speech at Stanford's 2005 Commencement. He used his life story to make a point to inspire others. Everyone has heard the saying "everything happens for a reason," but Steve Jobs took this to a new level. Even though situations may seem disastrous when they occur, eventually it will all make sense why it happened. According to Steve one can only "connect the dots when looking back." It seems as though this is due to all of the overwhelming emotions that come along with the realization that you have failed. You may have let someone down or just completely screwed up, but once the initial shock is gone you can focus on a new path. This path is normally one that you were meant to take in the first place. Steve Jobs also mentioned that one should not waste his time doing something he hates. He should think for himself and find something he is truly passionate in. This is the only way to true happiness. Also, once that passion is found, risk everything to keep it alive. Without that passion we are nothing. Steve ended his speech basically saying live everyday as if it was your last. I feel like Steve's advice is the way to true happiness. One must not regret their actions or get stuck in a rut because something went wrong. One must seize the day and do what inspires them. This is the only way to true happiness in life and a fulfilling future. The people that are remembered in history did not become historical figures by sitting around doing things that did not interest them. They were called crazy and they failed a time or two, but they kept trying and succeeded. That is what they are remembered for and that is why they are considered to be great. They followed their passions and didn't listen when others tried to bring them down. They were their own person and they believed in themselves.

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