Monday, October 6, 2014

Seahorse Calligram

For those of you who don't know what a calligram is like me when I first heard the terminology, it is basically an image created out or letters, symbols, or words. My initial reaction was this would be a great opportunity to create an image that could potentially be made into a post card. For this reason, I chose to make a seahorse because it is a popular marine animal. I happened to have a picture of a seahorse that was found in the mouth of a grouper at the marina I work at.
I used this photo to create the outline of the seahorse, as well as, create the color pallet for my image. I created the outline first and decided to do so with facts about seahorses. I made the outline the same color throughout to give the seahorse a set perimeter. I filled in the seahorse with jokes and poems I found about them on the internet. To add dimension to the image I selected letter by letter, changing the color to the appropriate one in regards to the picture of the seahorse for that particular area. I feel like it was this choice that really brought the final image together.
I feel that if a bright blue background was added to my image it would make for a nice postcard. 

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