Sunday, December 8, 2013

Flash mobs

The idea of flash mobs exploded in 2003 when a man, "Bill" encouraged people in New York City to come together to create random acts of fun with the purpose of confusing the general population. Technology was implemented to get the flash mobs to come together. The first few flash mobs were so entertaining that it became a new phenomenon. People everywhere began to create these fun random acts for the public. Some were just because, but others had a cause driving them. "Bill" stopped while he was ahead and the idea of flash mobs were still burring in people's minds. He didn't want to be a part of the phase when it died. When the media began doing stories on flash mobs the idea spread around the nation. However, anti-mobs were also formed which lead to the popularity downfall. Now flash mobs are not a big thing. They still occur on college campus and in communities, however, the media attention is very little. The idea of a flash mob is now only kept alive through youtube and the internet.

I feel that the main drive behind flash mobs was that people felt they needed to be apart of something. They wanted to get out of the normalcy of their lives so they joined a mob. They also wanted other people to be able to stop and actually see what was going on in the world. The whole idea was to bring a short amount of fun and happiness to the lives of the people that happened to be in the location that the mob would be in. Flash mobs came during a time that people needed to get their minds off of the bad events occurring in the world. They needed a short amount of time to just forget all of that and enjoy the day at hand.

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