Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reaction to "A Scientist Predicts the Future" by Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku predicts that the future will be full of new technologies. The untransformed human body will be obsolete. Technology will be so ingrained into our generation that people will not know how to react with out it. It will silently slip into our everyday lives. He predicts that college students will be the first to be fully ingrained under technology once it becomes a cheaper commodity. It will be common place for them. Technology will advance so rapidly that computers will essentially hold no more use in society. College students would instead have digital contacts that are capable of surfing the web and holding massive memory. He says robots will be an everyday instillation in society in order to answer questions rapidly. While this society sounds like one of perfection, is it really? I feel that a society run more by technology than human interaction becomes one in where the population is susceptible to being blinded from reality. This new step in our future could be an amazing success or our ultimate end. There are very high expectations in the technology of the future. However, I feel that if society as a whole becomes dependent on technology it will eventually collapse. This collapse would end up in a reversal of knowledge and society would go back to the ideas of decades earlier.

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